Conservation Commission

Board Members

  • Marnie Cobbs, Chair
  • Paul Nuccio, Vice Chair
  • Robin Nuccio, Treasurer
  • Holly Fortin
  • Tom Head
  • Selectmen’s Representative Richard Fortin
  • Richard Brisbois, Alternate
  • Judith Fowler, Alternate


Click here to review the minutes

Eaton Natural Resource Inventory

To view maps depicting Eaton’s Natural Resources, click the link below:

Eaton Natural Resource Inventory (


Invasive Species Conservation Conversation

Thursday, May 23, 6:30 – 8:00 PM at Eaton Town Hall

Landowners are increasingly facing the challenge of controlling non-native invasive species on properties throughout the state. These species are often able to outcompete our native species and can reduce native biodiversity, influencing forest health and regeneration, wildlife habitats, and recreational activities. 

Join Wendy Scribner, Natural Resources Specialist with UNH Cooperative Extension, to talk about some of the characteristics of these plants, control measures, and ways to strategically focus your time and effort for the most impact on your project, property, or community. Weather permitting, Wendy will lead a short walk behind Town Hall to identify some of the most common invasives in Eaton.

This discussion is the continuation of a series of presentations sponsored by the Eaton Conservation Commission with topics including surface waters, forestry, wildlife, stone walls, and Eaton’s Natural Resource Inventory. For more information contact Dennis Sullivan at [email protected].