Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Town Clerk/Tax Collector – Robin Nuccio
Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector – Vacant
General Information
Town of Eaton Tax Collector
PO Box 118, Eaton Center, NH 03832
Wednesdays, 8 am to 5 pm
New vehicle registrations may be done by special appointment
Tax Collector
Tax Bills are due semi-annually, July 1st and December 15th
To see a breakdown of the 2023 Tax Rate Calculation, click here
To change your mailing address, fill out and return the Address Change Request form
Property Tax information is now available on-line at
Vehicle Registrations
This is the generic registration form sent out approximately 45 days prior to expiration of the current registration.
This is only good for renewal of previously-registered vehicles in the Town of Eaton.
This is a courtesy letter only; if you do not receive a letter in the mail, it does not mean your registration will not expire.
Transfer Station Permits
Transfer Station stickers are available at the Transfer Station and must be renewed annually. Application cards will be mailed with your vehicle registration form; they are also available at Town Hall or the Transfer Station. Proof of residency (i.e. moter vehicle registration, tax bill, etc) will be required. For more information on the Transfer Station and Recycling, visit the Town of Conway web site.
Dog Licenses
Dogs are due for annual registration by April 30th
To register by mail, return the renewal form, fees and required information